Von Zennith kennels is located in Melbourne Australia. We have been involved with the breed since 1984 when we bought our first Rottweiler sired by Felix vom Magdeberg.
We are Rottweiler breeders, importers and exporters of German bloodline Rottweilers.
Our aim is to breed the complete Rottweiler :
- TEMPERAMENT -should be like old style Rottweilers with strong working drives, courage, guarding instinct with a stable trustworthy mentality.
- PHYSICALLY – a dog must be rugged, athletic, fit & healthy while maintaining a powerful intimidating Rottweiler appearance – Strong bones, huge head with a pronounced stop, wide muzzle, strong body construction with heavy bones.
- PERFORMANCE – We strive to maintain a high quality breeding programme, regularly importing high quality performance and competition dogs. We export our dogs worldwide for competition & breeding purposes.